Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Married Guys

Very last minute, my sister asked me to accompany her to a show featuring a cover band. If it hasn't been made clear before, I am a pretty big fan of live music. While watching the opening (cover) band, this guy leans over and asks me if I like them. Another fact about me: I can be pretty observant at times, especially when it comes to wedding rings; this man is wearing one. So I assume that he is just making conversation, and we start talking about the current band, then the band coming up, and our favorite songs that we hope to hear. He eventually offers to buy me a drink (which was strange and sweet at the same time). By the time the band ends, he has my drink ready, and one for my sister. We hang out at the bar, meet his friend, and at some point, he mentions that he has one child and another on the way, and I ask him "What is it like being 33 with all of THAT going on? I couldn't imagine my life like that three years from now." I feel like I sort of opened Pandora's box - he starts talking about how they have been together since they were 18, and though he loves her, he can't imagine being with the same woman from 18 to 80. My sister quickly cuts in and informs him that he isn't missing out on anything, to which I agree. We tell him that getting some strange isn't worth losing all of the perks of his marriage, like NOT having to pay child support. The show goes on, we lose track of him for a while, but then towards the end we meet up again, and he starts dancing with us, and I was just SO uncomfortable! Simply because I did NOT like the idea of a married man being anywhere close enough to touch me - at all! As we leave, he gave me us his business card. Then asked if he wanted to smoke pot (even though we had already told him that we didn't smoke).

Two things that I ended up thinking about that night:
1) At one point I had to walk over to a pizza place to use the rest room, and the delivery guy was pretty cute, and I realized that I am at a point in my life where I can date delivery men, since I myself am in a less-than-prestigious station in life. I think I am excited about this, since I tend to be attracted to uneducated men who don't seem to have the ambition to ever make a million dollars.

2) I can see how people are driven to cheat. I don't mean the guy who wants to experience new Vagina - that's obvious. I am talking about the woman who willingly enters into a relationship with a married man. At one point I realized that playing by the rules doesn't ever pay off in the world of dating. If you don't sleep with a lot of men, it doesn't make a difference. If you try to be a good person to everyone around you, volunteer, donate money, it doesn't make a difference. Being a good person does not get you a relationship. And maybe that realization breaks people, even if just for a moment, but the moment is long enough to end up doing something you normally would not have. Obviously it didn't for me, but I think I will judge "other women" slightly less harshly. They honestly might be disenchanted by the system, and didn't believe that they were ever going to find a good guy.

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